Contact with Schools
Members of St Michael's Mothers' Union have taken part in a pilot scheme of Stories on the Street. This is an initiative by the Oxford Diocese, facilitated by The Mothers' Union and Mosaic Creative. Stories on the Street is a UK-wide programme to help churches in engaging with their local communities. The programme encourages churches to identify:
- Skills, experiences and gifts within the church that can be used to help others
- Strengths within the community that can be built on.
This allows the facilitators to work with and through the church in local mission and community engagement.
A small group of Mothers' Union members has identified young people as an initial focus of this work. Planning is under way, with the aim of establishing stronger links with local schools. School visits to St Michael’s Church, and the use of the church for school Carol Services have been established with some local schools. During the coming years we plan to explore opportunities to build on these links by engaging with children in their schools.