Safeguarding - overview

St Michael's church is committed to safeguarding all children, young people and vulnerable adults.

The Church of England (House of Bishops) has laid down a policy statement and guidance on safeguarding, under the title of Promoting a Safer Church, and all parishes must have regard to these documents.

St Michael's Parochial Church Council (PCC) has adopted the policy statement and guidance, and these were most recently reviewed at the PCC meeting in January 2023.  Please refer to the Our Safeguarding Policy page for details.

Other specific policies have been adopted by the PCC to address the safeguarding aspects of photography and of social media and mobile devices.

Part of the Church of England guidance recommends that parishes should appoint their own Safeguarding Officers.  Please refer to the Safeguarding Contacts page for details of this appointment and other useful safeguarding contacts.