Donations to St Michael's Church

An important word about Donations

St Michael’s finances have taken a significant hit in recent years.  Our major income streams (weekly plate collections, hall bookings, major fundraising events) have been adversely affected as a result of the stringent restrictions that were in place during the pandemic lockdown, as well as the effects of the high cost of living and the level of energy and food prices.

Although we have reduced our expenditure as far as possible, we have many fixed costs and bills to pay, and our heating and lighting costs have soared.  This means that, inevitably, we are having to spend far more than we bring in.

We recognise that this has been - and continues to be - a difficult time for all of us, and that many people are facing serious financial challenges in their own lives too, but if you are in a position to make a donation – however small we would be extremely grateful.

You can do this instantly by scanning the QR code below using your smartphone, or by simply clicking on the link using your computer.  This will take you to our donations page on the Parish Giving Scheme website, which also allows you to Gift Aid your donation if you are a taxpayer.  Many thanks.

To go to the Donations website

QR code for gift-aided donations

For information about regular giving to St Michael's, see the Stewardship page.