Climate Sunday

Writing to your MP about Climate Change
(or any other issue)

Writing to your MP lets them and the government know that this issue matters.  MPs will receive many letters and emails asking for things that will benefit the person writing. Christians should think at least as much of things that benefit others.

MPs count and report the numbers of emails and letters on particular subjects.  You do not necessarily have to make a strong argument or specific proposals, though you might want to think about doing this if you know enough about the subject.  You might also want to ask them to pass on your views to the Ministers who have direct responsibility for this policy area, because that way, you are making sure that the person who is actually making decisions knows what you think.

When you contact your MP, always add your name, address and postcode - so they know you are from their constituency.  MPs for other constituencies cannot reply or report on messages from people who should be writing to their own MP.

Obviously, be polite, reasonable and loving.

You will probably receive a reply in the post on House of Commons paper - although if you want to be green, you could tell your MP when you write that you are happy with an email response.  If you have asked for your concerns to be passed on to a Minister, you should receive a reply from them as well.

MPs now receive hundreds or even thousands of emails a day.  The MP cannot usually write individual replies.  It will probably be a general letter to all those who have written on a subject based on what their researcher says people are saying, but the key thing is that they will have registered your concern.  Every letter or email your MP receives counts, and enough letters on a subject can help to move the issue up the list of priorities or even lead to shifts in policy.

You can email the MP for Reading West, Alok Sharma MP, using his email address: @

[ If the above email link doesn't work correctly on your device, you can type the email address manually, omitting the spaces.  Email addresses are not case-sensitive. ]

You can write to your MP at the following address:

House of Commons
London   SW1A 0AA