Creation Care - overview

Celebrating and Caring for God’s Creation

Bronze Award

We are now the proud possessors of an Eco-Church bronze award. Well done to everyone. Now onto the silver award.


    Eco Church Bronze Award

As I expect you’ve heard by now, St Michael’s has recently signed up to Eco-Church.  Eco-Church is run by A Rocha which is a Christian environmental charity.  We fill in an on-line eco-survey about how we are looking after God’s earth in different areas of our lives, and are given points towards an Eco-Church award.  The survey takes you through five key areas of church life:

  • Worship and teaching
  • Management of church buildings
  • Management of church land
  • Community and global engagement
  • Lifestyle

The results of the survey will help us to identify areas where we can improve, and Eco-Church has resources available to give us advice and support to work towards a bronze
award, and then move up to a silver and hopefully a gold award.  We will soon be in a position to publish the results of the survey, it’s currently being filled in.

At St Michael’s we are using this to come together to celebrate and care for the whole of God’s Creation and invite you to join us.

If you have ideas, would like to know more about Eco Church, or would like to get involved, please speak to me, or email me (creation AT

Claire Stagg